Amphibian Organs

  1. 2. connect ears to back of throat
  2. 4. stores bile
  3. 9. make eggs
  4. 11. store energy for hibernation and breeding
  5. 14. single opening 3 body systems share
  6. 15. opening to the respiratory system
  7. 16. opening to the digestive system
  8. 17. produces trypsin, insulin, and glucagon
  9. 19. produces bile, stores glycogen and vitamins, processes toxins
  1. 1. stores urine
  2. 3. main excretory organ
  3. 5. breathing with this organ is pulmonary respiration
  4. 6. type of nitrogen waste seen in amphibians
  5. 7. first section of the small intestine
  6. 8. pumps blood to the rest of the body
  7. 10. starts digestion/ grinds and mashes food
  8. 12. make sperm
  9. 13. second section of the small intestine
  10. 18. red blood cell factory