  1. 2. (5)(VIT) each migration flow produces a movement in the opposite direction
  2. 6. (5)(VIT) a movement made by choice
  3. 8. (7)(VIT) the unifying language of Latin Diverged into distinct regional languages,
  4. 10. (1)(idk) indicates that when things are father apart, they tend to be less well connected
  5. 12. (2)(VIT) show and label natural features, such as mountains, rivers, and deserts.
  6. 16. (6)(VIT) such as the city of Miami and the communities around it, are based on interaction and are usually centered on a node or focus point
  7. 17. (6)(VIT) such as states, are clearly defined by government or experts
  8. 19. (7)(VIT) the boundaries between variations in pronunciations on word usage
  9. 20. (3)(VIT) lakes or rivers
  10. 22. (3)(VIT) compares the number of farmers to the area of arable land.
  11. 25. (4)(VIT) the number of children who die before their first birthday
  12. 28. (4)(VIT) focuses on women in their childbearing ages 15 to 49.
  13. 30. (1)(cc)Is the sinking "time distance" between locations because of improved methods of transportation and communication.
  14. 31. (4)(VIT) the number of years the average person will live
  15. 33. (1)(VIT) is the precise spot where something is according to some system
  16. 34. (7)(VIT) variations in accent, grammar, usage and spelling
  17. 35. (2)(VIT) show and label human-crated boundaries and and designations, such as countries, states, cities, and capitals
  1. 1. (3)(VIT) calculated by dividing a region's population by its total area
  2. 3. (2)(VIT) show spatial aspects of information of a phenomenon.
  3. 4. (2)(VIT) show and label highways, streets, and alleys.
  4. 5. (5)(VIT) once migrants decide to leave, they usually choose a destination based on its positive conditions and circumstances
  5. 7. (2)(VIT) show and label property lines and details of land ownership.
  6. 9. (3)(VIT) once hostilities end and peace continues,the birth rate often increases
  7. 11. (4)(VIT) show five typical stages of population change that countries pass through as they modernize
  8. 13. (7)(VIT) a common language used by people who do not share the same native language.
  9. 14. (6)(VIT)are the building blocks of culture
  10. 15. (1)(VIT) is the study of the spatial characteristics of humans and human activities.
  11. 18. (3)(VIT) the regions between 30 degrees N and 60 degrees N
  12. 21. (4)(VIT) the number of live births per year for 1,000 people
  13. 23. (6)(VIT) these interrelated traits make up a
  14. 24. (5)(VIT) are negative circumstances, events, or conditions present where they live
  15. 26. (5)(VIT) is the permanent or semi-permanent relocation of people form one place to another
  16. 27. (1)(cc)This inverse relationship between distance and connection is a concept]
  17. 29. (6)(VIT) all of group's learned behaviors, actions, beliefs, and objects
  18. 32. (7)(VIT) informal usage by a segment of the population