- 2. Your middle name
- 4. My Zodiac sign
- 7. You have one that is messed up and I love it
- 10. Your future dog
- 11. A favorite ice cream flavor
- 13. Your favorite fruit
- 14. My middle name
- 15. We both love it
- 17. One of my best breakfast dishes
- 18. What you love to do and see
- 20. My bra cup size
- 1. Your Zodiac sign
- 3. My favorite aunt
- 5. cream sandwich What I love watching you eat
- 6. way My favorite candy bar
- 8. The size of your arms
- 9. mae Your grandmother
- 12. My favorite fruit
- 14. to me You say this a lot and I love it
- 16. Something you make really well
- 19. What we love to do together