Anabella Ruiz Articles X-word

  1. 6. Congress could not stop states from creating their own mini armies and fighting with ______.
  2. 9. To pass a new _____, 2/3 of the delegates had to agree.
  3. 10. Daniel ______ was not a wealthy landowner; he had a rebellion named after him.
  4. 11. Congress had the power to sign _____ with other nations.
  5. 12. Since Congress could not tax the states, they had no money for supplies that the ______ needed.
  6. 14. The 1783 amendment (5% tax on imported goods that would only last 25 years) failed because _________ said no.
  7. 17. British merchants and _______ customers benefited because the British goods were less expensive than the American goods.
  8. 18. Congress had the power to appoint ______ officers.
  9. 19. The Articles of _______ was adopted by the states in 1781
  1. 1. The 1781 amendment (5% tax on imported goods) failed because Rhode Island and ______ said no.
  2. 2. Individual states made their own _______ by taxing goods representatives.
  3. 3. Sinice the states were printing too much of their own _______, it became inflated, so only congress was allowed to print it.
  4. 4. Articles are flawed because Congress couldn't ____.
  5. 5. Under the AC the government was allowed to declare ________.
  6. 7. The Declaration of Independence established a new _________.
  7. 8. The _________ were in charge of collecting taxes and regulating trade with other states.
  8. 13. Under the AC each state can have a different number of ____, but only one vote.
  9. 15. Alexander ___________ hated Congress because they didn't share his vision.
  10. 16. Only Congress could regulate commerce because the states were passing ____ trade laws.
  11. 20. The _____ of Massachuettes farmers prompted the states to consider changing the AC.