Anaesthetics Patient Journery

  1. 4. Anaesthesiologist's response to patient nerves regarding intubation
  2. 6. Pre operative assessment to determine ease of endotracheal intubation
  3. 7. Medical condition that meant patient was first on the operation list
  4. 9. Most important thing to manage post operatively
  5. 10. The procedure, to view the uterus and take a biopsy
  1. 1. Post operatively when the endotracheal tube was removed
  2. 2. Describing the patients level of alertness post operatively
  3. 3. Triad of anaesthetics in preparation for surgery
  4. 5. Important question to ask pre operatively to avoid anaphylaxis to anaesthetic drugs
  5. 8. Pre operative scoring system taking into account co-morbidities