Analyst Crossword Puzzle
- 2. Contracted amount of payment reduction
- 5. Initial reason a claim denied
- 8. All charges other than room and board
- 9. Method of payment
- 10. All patient identifying information
- 12. Cover available to some with disabilities under the age of 65
- 13. Code describing medical condition
- 14. Amount of patient responsibility
- 16. Cost share amount paid by patient
- 19. Time limit to file a corrected claim
- 20. Processing a claim
- 22. Usually less than 24 hour hospital stay to determine the need for further intervention
- 23. Fields on UB04
- 25. Services provided without admission
- 1. Database used
- 3. Type of recurring therapy
- 4. List of questions to ask payers on calls
- 6. Claim is being reviewed again
- 7. Child covered on parent's group health coverage
- 11. State and Federal type of coverage
- 14. Billed after primary coverage
- 15. Approval obtained prior to services rendered
- 17. Reason claim or charge did not pay
- 18. Flat fee for seeing a doctor
- 21. Your private information used for login
- 24. Documentation submitted primarily to support medical necessity denial