
  1. 2. Keeps your head up
  2. 4. Where would you find a patella
  3. 5. You use them everyday to hold things
  4. 7. Where does your waste product go
  5. 8. What organs are below your back
  6. 10. What keeps the body intact
  7. 14. Has a pupil in them
  8. 15. what organ is used to taste things
  9. 17. Makes you think
  10. 18. Without them you cannot breath
  1. 1. Without them you cant stand up
  2. 2. what makes your body react
  3. 3. Name a body Organ
  4. 6. What bone is in front of the leg
  5. 9. You use for hearing
  6. 11. there are 2 on each side of your forehead
  7. 12. What are the front muscles of your chess
  8. 13. What are your muscles between your arm and neck
  9. 16. What are your buttock muscles name