
  1. 5. Tissue type that contracts to produce movement.
  2. 6. The collarbone.
  3. 8. The muscle of the upper arm.
  4. 9. The basic unit of life.
  5. 12. The plane dividing the body into left and right halves.
  6. 15. The muscle of the chest.
  7. 18. The lower jawbone.
  8. 21. Tissue type that covers body
  9. 23. The muscle of the shoulder.
  10. 24. The bone of the forehead.
  11. 26. The bone forming the lower part of the nasal septum.
  12. 27. The bones of the fingers and toes
  13. 28. The muscle of the buttocks.
  14. 29. The bone that forms the back of the skull.
  1. 1. Cells found in cartilage.
  2. 2. The muscle group of the front thigh.
  3. 3. The bone forming the upper jaw.
  4. 4. The calf muscle
  5. 7. The system responsible for transporting blood.
  6. 10. The wrist bones.
  7. 11. The body's ability to maintain stable internal conditions.
  8. 13. Connective tissue with a liquid matrix.
  9. 14. The tissue type that forms glands.
  10. 16. The bone of the lower leg.
  11. 17. The body's framework of bones.
  12. 19. The central part of the skeleton.
  13. 20. The study of tissues.
  14. 22. The bone of the upper arm.
  15. 24. The bone of the thigh.
  16. 25. The study of body structure