Anatomy and Physiology

  1. 3. System Supplies O2 and eliminates Co2 from the body
  2. 5. SYSTEM To produce egg and sperm cells, To nurture the developing offspring
  3. 7. is a group of cells having similar structure and function
  4. 8. is defined as the study of function
  5. 9. The functional unit
  6. 11. are the basic structural and functional units of the human body
  7. 12. tissue helps in ,message transmission
  8. 13. System Regulates volume and chemical composition of blood Helps maintain acid-base and calcium balance
  1. 1. system Helps to regulate body temperature
  2. 2. the body by preventing the entry of disease causing germs
  3. 4. is defined as the study of structure refers to the shapes, sizes, and characteristics of the components of the human body
  4. 6. System Performs the physical and chemical breakdown and absorption of food for use by cells and eliminates solid and other wastes
  5. 10. is a group of two or more different types of Tissues arranged so as to accomplish Specific Functions
  6. 11. system, also called the cardiovascular system or the vascular system