Anatomy Fun

  1. 3. Origin - posterior fibula and interosseous membrane
  2. 4. Insertion - posterior medial tibia above soleal line
  3. 5. Action - flexes knee, extends hip and medially rotates tibia
  4. 6. Action - Bilaterally: Extend spine Unilaterally: Side bend to same side
  5. 10. Run from SP to SP (generally)
  6. 13. Origin - ischial spine
  7. 14. Run from SP to TP (generally)
  8. 15. Insertion of Obturator Internus, Obturator Externus, Gemellus Superior and Gemellus Inferior
  9. 17. Insertion - superior aspect of GT
  10. 19. Action - abducts and flexes hip
  11. 21. Origin - outer surface of obturator membrane
  12. 22. Insertion - anterior aspect of GT
  13. 24. Insertion - TPs L1-L4 and 12th rib
  14. 26. Action- plantar flexes ankle and assists knee flexion
  15. 27. Action - everts foot and assists plantar flexion
  16. 28. Run from Rib to rib (generally)
  1. 1. Origin - soleal line, medial tibia, head and proximal shaft of fibula
  2. 2. Insertion - navicular, cuboid, all 3 cunieform, and 2-4 metatarsals
  3. 7. The tendon of insertion for Gastrocnemius, Soleus and Plantaris
  4. 8. Origin - pubis, ischium and internal surface of obturator foramen
  5. 9. Insertion - medial condyle of tibia below semimembranosus
  6. 11. Action - lateral rotation of femur and assists aBduction or aDduction
  7. 12. Origin - posterior tibial shaft and interosseous membrane
  8. 16. Origin of Gemellus Inferior, Quadratus Femoris, Biceps Femoris, Semitendinosus and Semimembranosus
  9. 18. Action - extends, lateral rotation and assists abduction
  10. 20. Insertion - lateral aspect of GT
  11. 23. Origin - Sacrum, iliac crest and all TPs
  12. 25. Action - flexes knee, extends hip and laterally rotates tibia
  13. 29. Run from TP to TP (generally)