Anatomy of a Computer

  1. 2. The brain that carries out your computers instructions.
  2. 4. Transfers data very fast and can connect many different types of peripherals, including digital cameras and digital video cameras.
  3. 8. Activates when you turn on the computer and performs system checks before starting your main OS.
  4. 9. Older printers and scanners usually connect to it.
  5. 12. A form of computer memory that is volatile.
  6. 13. Let peripherals communicate quickly with the processor.
  1. 1. Transfer data very fast and many peripherals require its connections.
  2. 3. Most newer mice and keyboards require it.
  3. 5. A large printed circuit board that houses most of your computers components and directs data traffic to and from the appropriate devices.
  4. 6. You can by this if you want better sound quality and they usually attach to one of the motherboard's PCI slots.
  5. 7. Houses your graphics card, which supplies the image to the monitor.
  6. 10. Is much slower than new USB and firewire ports and is also known as a COM (communications) port.
  7. 11. Funnels power through the multicoloured cables to each device.