Anatomy of the Respiratory Tract

  1. 1. The ________ muscles help decrease the volume of the thoracic cavity during expiration by pushing the diaphragm upwards. They relax during inspiration.
  2. 5. Shelves of bone that line the inside of the nasal cavity.
  3. 7. Hair-shaped structures found on the lumen of the epithelium, surrounded by a thin film of mucus.
  4. 9. These are small, elastic buds that are located a the end of the respiratory tree. They provide a large surface area for gas exchange to occur.
  5. 11. The smallest airway of the respiratory tract, getting smaller with each split branch.
  6. 12. Thin skeletal muscle located below the lungs that contracts when one inhales to expand the lungs. Upon exhale, this relaxes and causes air to be forced out of the lungs.
  7. 14. The _____ respiratory tract contains the nasal cavity, pharynx and larynx.
  8. 16. The __________ muscles run between the ribs to expand and shrink the size of the chest muscle during inspiration and expiration.
  9. 18. Repiratory __________ acts to warm, filter, and humidify air.
  10. 19. Epithelial cells that secrete mucus to create a protective layer.
  1. 2. _________ clearance is a process by which the cilia in the upper respiratory tract beat and push mucus up towards the pharynx for expulsion by a cough or swallow.
  2. 3. These split from the trachea into two primary sections which enter the lungs, then split into even smaller sections which enter separate lobes, splitting into even smaller sections within.
  3. 4. Also known as the windpipe, it links the upper airways to the lungs. It consists of C-shaped rings of cartilage which are connected by smooth muscle.
  4. 6. Contains curved shelves of bone in which the surface is lined with ciliated respiratory epithelium that secretes mucus and fluid to trap foreign
  5. 8. A pair of organs consisting of elastic sacs with branching passageways where air is drawn in order to conduct gas exchange.
  6. 9. These are passageways that connect to the end of the respiratory tree.
  7. 10. Short tube consisting of several cartilages connected by muscles. It also contains the vocal chords which are needed to generate sound.
  8. 13. The common pathway for the respiratory and digestive tracts and allows for both air and food to pass.
  9. 15. Flap of cartilage which serves as a switch between the respiratory and digestive tracts, ensuring that food and air each enter in the appropriate location.
  10. 17. The _____ respiratory tract contains the trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and alveoli.