Anatomy Project
- 2. muscle responsible for breathing
- 4. a connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone
- 6. the bone that forms the lower leg
- 9. the tough, flexible tissue that covers the ends of bones at a joint
- 11. brachii the muscle that helps you bend your arm
- 12. the bone that forms the upper arm
- 13. the muscle that helps you bend your knee
- 16. femoris the muscle that forms the kneecap
- 17. the muscle that helps you stand on tiptoes
- 18. muscle the muscle that helps you chew your food
- 20. the bone that forms the forearm
- 1. major the muscle that allows you to smile
- 3. the bone that forms the skull
- 5. oculi the muscle that helps you blink
- 7. the bone that forms the hip joint
- 8. bone that forms the backbone
- 10. the muscle that allows you to lift your leg
- 14. maximus largest muscle in the human body, located in the buttocks
- 15. the bone that forms the shoulder joint
- 19. the bone that protects the brain