Anatomy Puzzle
- 2. - the association of four detects
- 5. - peri membranous opening, located adjacent to the tricuspid valve is the most common type
- 7. - both ventricles share a common outflow tract, both RV and LV pressure will be high.
- 9. - high occurrence in kids with down Syndrome
- 12. - area of communication just above semi-lunar valves
- 14. - aortic arch system completely encircles the trachea and/or esophagus; type of vascular ring
- 15. - desaturated right sided blood shunted to fully saturated left side
- 16. - PGE used to maintain its patency
- 17. - Treatment is set in three surgical stages.
- 18. - narrowing of the LVOT
- 1. - IAA ______ occurs just beyond the left subclavian artery
- 3. - Pancake RV (clue brought to you by Kasey)
- 4. - left coronary artery arises from the pulmonary artery
- 6. - palliative surgical procedure utilized to decrease pulmonary blood flow
- 8. - no blood flow between RA and RV
- 10. - bounding pulses in UE and weak, diminished pulses in LE
- 11. - no mixing of circulatory and pulmonary blood with this defect
- 13. - left to right shunts
- 16. - hypoplasia of RV and tricuspid with complete atresia of valve