Anatomy Review
- 4. Carries food downward from the leaves to the roots
- 6. Center of tree that is the oldest
- 7. The cell layer that is the growing part of the trunk
- 8. Leaf venation that looks like palm of hand
- 12. Seeds that are made out of a single embryonic leaf or cotyledon
- 14. Type of leaf that has one blade/leaf per stem
- 15. Pipeline through which food is passed to the rest of the tree
- 18. Large strengthened vein along the midline of a leaf
- 19. Tree's protection from the outside world
- 20. Seeds which have two embryonic leaves and cotyledons
- 21. Type of leaf that has multiple blades/leaf per stem
- 1. Type of tissue at the tip of a plant root
- 2. A component of vascular tissue, together with phloem and cambium that its main roles are transporting water.
- 3. The tree's pipeline for water moving up to the leaves
- 5. A protective tissue that covers the entire surface of the plant
- 9. Flat and thin structure of the leaf that contains the chloroplast and the stomata
- 10. Collect water and mineral nutrients in the soil to be sent throughout the plant
- 11. The central, supporting pillar of the tree
- 13. Type of root that is one long with small hairs
- 16. Outer edge of a leaf
- 17. Something that has many branching roots