Anatomy Shiz
- 2. type of epithelial cells that are flat and sheet-like in appearance
- 3. part of the neuron that collects electrical signals
- 8. type of tissue that propagates electrical impulses and carries information
- 10. the four DNA bases
- 12. "father of modern medicine"
- 16. a molecule that can bind to other molecules to form a polymer (is an amino acid)
- 17. a serious disease where your bones are very low density and can have holes in them, this disease is characterized by low bone mineral density
- 20. part of the neuron that sends electrical signals to dendrites of another cell or to an effector cell
- 21. type of tissue that covers exposed surfaces, lives internal passageways and chambers, and produces glandular secretions
- 23. type of tissue that fills internal spaces, provides structural support, and stores energy
- 1. formed by an number of subatomic particles carrying a fractional electrical charge
- 4. the four main biological molecules are carbohydrates, amino acids, lipids and...
- 5. a blue-black dye with basic pH that preferentially binds acid molecules, DNA and cytoplasmic ribosomes darkly stain based on density of material
- 6. red dye with acidic pH which preferentially binds basic molecules, proteins(amines) stain based on density of material
- 7. a large molecule that contains many smaller monomers linked together (is a protein)
- 9. the process of copying a segment of DNA into RNA
- 11. type of epithelial cells that are cube-like in appearance meaning they have equal width, height, and depth
- 13. germ layer that gives rise to skin cells, neurons, and pigment cells
- 14. germ layer that gives rise to cardiac muscle, skeletal muscle, tubule cells, red blood cells, and smooth muscle
- 15. where DNA is stored
- 16. type of tissue that contracts to produce movement
- 18. germ layer that gives rise to lung cells, thyroid cells, and pancreatic cells
- 19. this started spacetime 13.7 billion years ago
- 22. process where ribosomes synthesize proteins from RNA