Anatomy: Tissues
- 3. flat, oblong nucleus, scale-like appearance
- 7. group of tissues in the body that maintain the form of the body and its organs and provide cohesion and internal support
- 9. single layer of cells
- 10. electrically excitable cells that transmit signals throughout the body
- 11. taller than wide, oval nucleus towards basal region of cell
- 12. monitors and regulates the functions of the body
- 14. a group of cells with similar structure working together to perfrom a similar job
- 17. multiple layers of cells arranged neatly
- 18. densely packed fibers that are not organized in a particular direction
- 19. forms the covering on all internal and external surfaces of your body
- 20. cells are able to change shape and stretch
- 1. a collection of similar specialized cells that serve particular functions
- 2. composed of cells that have the special ability to shorten or contract in order to produce movement of the body parts.
- 4. a connective tissue that is mainly composed of fat cells
- 5. single layer of columnar cells, looks stratified due to irregular placement of nuclei
- 6. cub-like, central located nucleus
- 8. forms the hard, dense outer layer of bones throughout the human body
- 13. the functional component of blood responsible for the transportation of gases and nutrients throughout the human body
- 15. parallel, densely packed fibers that are organized
- 16. a type of loose connective tissue that consists of a meshwork of collagen, elastic tissue, and reticular fibres