Ancient China

  1. 3. Love of Wisdom
  2. 4. The religion that was founded by Confucius
  3. 6. What was tea originally used as?
  4. 7. Blowing out or Quenching
  5. 10. The religion that was founded by Buddha
  6. 13. _____ behaviour through lack of a strong moral standard
  7. 16. The founder of Buddhism
  8. 17. What 9 things were put in peoples backs to cure the ‘illness’?
  9. 19. What is one of the main foods that Ancient Chinese people ate?
  10. 21. The Chinese zodiac's signs are based on the cycle of the___
  1. 1. On slide 7 I’m talking about kung fu and____?
  2. 2. The founder of Confucianism
  3. 5. Your actions have a way of coming back
  4. 8. The zodiac consist of 12 _______
  5. 9. Rich Ancient Chinese people drank wine made from either millet or _____??
  6. 11. Rich Ancient Chinese people ate much meats such as: Pork, chicken, duck, goose, pheasant and _________?
  7. 12. In a typical Ancient Chinese household who would be running the family?
  8. 14. Redo or reborn
  9. 15. Feng Shui means Wind & _____?
  10. 18. What country was tea very popular in Europe?
  11. 20. Circle of something