ancient china

  1. 2. to require (someone) to pay a tax.  To require someone to pay a tax on (something).
  2. 4. a person who fights in battles and is known for having courage and skill
  3. 6. A fast growing grass that grows very tall and with hollow stems like a tube. The Chinese found numerous uses for bamboo including paper, buildings, furniture, and musical instruments
  4. 8. a family of rulers who rule over a country for a long period of time; also : the period of time when a particular dynasty is in power.
  5. 9. a Chinese leader
  6. 10. of or relating to the Chinese philosopher Confucious or his teachings or followers.
  7. 14. A legendary monster that terrorized a Chinese village until they used fireworks and noise to scare it off. Their victory over Nian is celebrated on Chinese New Year. Divining-  relating to or coming from God or a god.
  8. 17. a group of countries or regions that are controlled by one ruler or one government; especially : a group of countries ruled by an emperor or empress.
  9. 18. one of the three major religions or philosophies of ancient china, Taoism follows the teachings of
  10. 19. A type of Chinese sailboat that is typically flat bottomed and uses fully battened sails.
  1. 1. A revered mythical creature that has the long body of a serpent, sharp teeth, four legs with sharp talons, and can fly
  2. 3. a Chinese mystical philosophy traditionally founded by Lao-tzu in the sixth century b.c. that teaches conformity to the Tao by unassertive action and simplicity.
  3. 5. An ancient Chinese treatment for healing that uses needles placed in various areas of the skin.
  4. 6. one of the three major religions of china, buddhism originated in india
  5. 7. A type of ceramic invented by the Chinese. It is thin, strong, and beautiful. It is often called "china" in the west.
  6. 11. means old often refers to a civilisation
  7. 12. the nomadic peoples of the north who often raided china.
  8. 13. only worn by wealthy nobles
  9. 15. A small narrow boat with a flat bottom that is usually 10 to 15 feet long.
  10. 16. A luxurious material made from the cocoons of silkworms. Silk was highly prized in ancient China and