Ancient China & Ancient Egypt

  1. 4. Ancient Chinese invention (fireworks)
  2. 7. Large structures built by Egyptians
  3. 9. The name of the river in Egypt
  4. 10. The continent Egypt is in
  5. 11. The ______ Wall of China
  6. 12. Ancient Chinese writing
  7. 14. An important Chinese inventions (clothing)
  8. 16. Mountain range in China
  9. 18. Ancient Egypt writing
  10. 19. The room where an Egyptian king is buried
  11. 20. The country north of China
  1. 1. The name of jars that the Ancient Egyptians kept their organs
  2. 2. Ancient statues of soldiers in Ancient China
  3. 3. People who built the pyramids in Egypt
  4. 5. The Great Pyramid of _ _ _ _
  5. 6. The process of making mummies
  6. 7. What we call an Egyptian king
  7. 8. The continent China is in
  8. 13. A family of rulers
  9. 15. The name of the Pharaoh that built the Pyramid of Giza
  10. 17. What we call a king in Ancient China