Ancient China Brodie Collins

  1. 4. An invention that flies with the wind
  2. 5. The lunar calander originated in 2600 B.C.E and has ____ zodiac signs
  3. 8. An ancient chinese invention that measure earthquakes
  4. 10. Before the writers used paper they used
  5. 12. Amount of terracotta soldiers
  6. 13. Name of the finger that the chinese grew to show their rank
  7. 14. An invention they made to tell the time
  8. 15. The most expensive gem/stone in Ancient China
  9. 17. An unlucky Chinese number because it sounds like death
  10. 19. What the medicine is based on
  1. 1. Three ____ lived in one house
  2. 2. How old the last Chinese emperor was
  3. 3. There was a hundred of them surrounding ancient China
  4. 6. A chinese lucky number because "good things come in pairs"
  5. 7. Farmers produced 2 or 3 of them each year
  6. 9. They called Giant pandas ____
  7. 11. Anyone caught smuggling ____ was put to death
  8. 16. Mirrors protected the owners from
  9. 18. what they grew in the warm wet, south of china
  10. 20. the colour of good luck