Ancient China Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. an ‘ornamental mineral’ that was made into discs that represented power for nobles.
  2. 3. a highly valued trade item made by the Chinese that was easy to carry. So highly valued that many could only afford to where a patch.
  3. 5. a set of rulers, usually a family, that rules for several generations
  4. 8. turned into a religion.
  5. 11. Dynasty-this set of rulers excelled in warfare, but was ultimately defeated by a frontier state
  6. 14. A type of crown that Ancient Chinese emperors and some nobility wore.
  7. 16. an ancient Chinese city that was the capital of many dynasties. It was also a stop on a famous trading route.
  8. 18. a Chinese philosophy that emphasizes proper behavior.*
  9. 19. the other half of the Daoist concept of opposing forces of nature.
  10. 20. a written character that represents a word*
  11. 21. Wall of China- This wall was built to protect the empire from northern invaders.
  1. 1. a Chinese philosophy that emphasizes living in harmony with nature*. It
  2. 4. the art of fine handwriting*.
  3. 6. Silk Road- a trading route made up of smaller trading networks that connected the Chinese and the Western world.
  4. 7. a type of clay that was used to make a clay army that ‘protected’ a certain emperor.
  5. 9. a Chinese philosophy that emphasizes strict obedience to laws.*
  6. 10. one half of the Daoist concept of opposing forces of nature.
  7. 12. Jiang River- this river flows next to basins that share its name.
  8. 13. Qian- an explorer that is often called the ‘Father of the ***k ***d’.
  9. 15. a treatment for illnesses that involved inserting small needles into certain parts of the body.
  10. 17. of Qin (Qin Shihuangdi)- this emperor was the first to unify all of China; he was strongly influenced by one of three different ancient Chinese philosophies.