Ancient China

  1. 2. _______, silver, gold!
  2. 4. Used to eat noodles.
  3. 5. a paper _______ helps light up the night!
  4. 8. Instead of a calculator!
  5. 9. A Chinese invention created from another one of their inventions.
  6. 10. Something made out of light, colorful materials that can fly while holding a string.
  7. 12. A movie based on a true story.
  8. 13. China`s continent.
  9. 15. Something used to make a small or big BANG!
  1. 1. North, South, East or West!
  2. 3. The place where the Great Wall of China is located in.
  3. 4. A movie about a girl and her ugly step-sisters.
  4. 6. the Chinese currency.
  5. 7. the capital of China.
  6. 11. Used in Chinese celebrations, known to breathe fire!
  7. 14. Yat-sen The Chinese emperor of the year 1912.
  8. 16. A game invented by the Chinese.