Ancient Cities

  1. 4. Greek and Roman city known for its library.
  2. 7. Capital of the Achaemenid Empire.
  3. 9. Mayan city hidden in the Guatemalan jungle.
  4. 11. Ancient desert city in present-day Syria.
  5. 12. Birthplace of Abraham in ancient Mesopotamia.
  6. 14. Ancient city in Boeotia, Greece.
  7. 15. Capital of the Roman Empire.
  8. 16. Prominent city in ancient Egypt.
  9. 17. Inca city hidden high in the Andes.
  10. 19. Capital of the ancient Assyrian Empire.
  11. 20. Vast temple complex in Cambodia.
  1. 1. Mesoamerican city with pyramids in Mexico.
  2. 2. Birthplace of democracy in ancient Greece.
  3. 3. One of the world's oldest inhabited cities.
  4. 5. Holy city in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
  5. 6. Rival to Rome in the Punic Wars.
  6. 8. Site of the Trojan War in Greek mythology.
  7. 10. Famed Mesopotamian city with the Hanging Gardens.
  8. 13. Roman city buried by the eruption of Vesuvius.
  9. 18. Rose-red city carved into Jordan's cliffs.