Ancient Civ Unit 1

  1. 1. father god
  2. 2. southeast sea
  3. 5. an area that is arable
  4. 6. characterized by the use of stone tools
  5. 7. west
  6. 11. eastern sea
  7. 14. believing in many gods
  8. 17. hunting tools, fire, hunting/gathering, freedom, caves (nomadic), baskets
  9. 20. potatoes/corn
  10. 21. ~3000 people, also
  11. 22. personification
  12. 23. the theory that life, or the universe, cannot have arisen by chance and was designed and created by some intelligent entity.
  13. 26. the transition of hunting/gathering to farming/ranching
  14. 28. "the land between the rivers'
  15. 30. gov't ruled by god (or priests)
  16. 32. temple in the center of the city where animal sacrifices were brought
  17. 33. farming tools, mud huts, farming/ranching, pots, security, domesticated animals
  18. 34. had a legendary king named Gilgamesh
  19. 35. fine sand/other material carried by flood waters; good for crops
  1. 1. "the land of no return"
  2. 3. gov't with a monarch at it's head
  3. 4. consequence of the Neolithic revolution
  4. 8. arid area south of the fertile crescent
  5. 9. water/flood god
  6. 10. where the rivers start, north
  7. 12. wheat/barley
  8. 13. yams
  9. 15. east
  10. 16. demons
  11. 18. rice
  12. 19. the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.
  13. 20. a scientist that studies humans and society
  14. 24. a scientist who studies fossils.
  15. 25. ~8000 people
  16. 27. the belief that the universe and living organisms originate from specific acts of divine creation.
  17. 29. cloud/air god
  18. 31. birthplace of Abraham