Ancient Civilization

  1. 3. who is known for the discovery of their tomb
  2. 6. how the New Kingdom drove Hyksos out
  3. 9. how Egyptians became prosperous during the Middle Kingdom
  4. 10. who might have predated the unification of the Two Lands
  5. 13. god of war chaos and storms
  6. 15. the area where Pharaohs of the New Kingdom is buried
  7. 17. how many dynasties were there in total(write out number)
  8. 18. what are the capitals of provinces linked with
  9. 21. when Egypt expanded its borders
  10. 22. one of Egypt's most celebrated warriors and greatest pharaoh
  11. 23. where Egypt expanded during the Middle Kingdom
  1. 1. language of picture symbols developed by Egyptians
  2. 2. annual flood of the Nile River is called
  3. 4. worshipping many gods
  4. 5. dry and vegetation free area with seasonal lakes
  5. 7. this was viewed as a living god
  6. 8. where pharaohs were specifically buried during the Middle and New Kingdom
  7. 11. construction as tombs for three pharaohs in the 4th dynasty
  8. 12. a sacred site that were used for both storage and burials
  9. 14. who caused the invasion that led to his rule
  10. 16. competed for power in the Old Kingdom
  11. 19. who ordered construction of water wheels to manage flood
  12. 20. weapons that was used against Egyptians during the Middle Kingdom