Ancient Civilizations

  1. 3. South American civilization known for their temple at Chavín de Huantar and art style
  2. 5. Middle Eastern civilization known for their empire, art, and architecture
  3. 7. Mediterranean civilization known for their empire, engineering, and gladiators
  4. 9. Mediterranean civilization known for their philosophers, democracy, and mythology
  5. 15. East Asian civilization known for their empire, Silk Road, and inventions like paper and compass
  6. 17. Japanese civilization known for their pottery, hunter gatherer lifestyle, and spirituality
  7. 18. Japanese civilization known for their Buddhism, art, and architecture
  8. 19. Mesoamerican civilization known for their pyramids, murals, and urban planning
  9. 21. Italian civilization known for their art, tombs, and influence on Rome
  10. 22. Japanese civilization known for their samurai, shoguns, and Zen Buddhism
  11. 23. Mesoamerican civilization known for their palace of Pakal and hieroglyphic inscriptions
  12. 25. South American civilization known for their geoglyphs and underground aqueducts
  13. 26. South American civilization known for their intricate textiles and weaving techniques
  14. 29. Mesoamerican civilization known for their city on a mountaintop and Zapotec writing
  15. 30. Aegean civilization known for their palace at Knossos and bull leaping
  16. 33. East Asian civilization known for their Mongol rulers and Marco Polo
  17. 36. South American civilization known for their city of pyramids and early urban planning
  18. 39. South American civilization known for their mummification practices and burial rituals
  19. 41. South American civilization known for their gold and silver objects and jewelry
  20. 42. Japanese civilization known for their tea ceremony, Noh theater, and civil wars
  21. 44. South American civilization known for their empire, textiles, and ceramics
  22. 45. East Asian civilization known for their Mandate of Heaven and ironworking
  23. 47. Middle Eastern civilization known for their ironworking and chariots
  24. 50. East Asian civilization known for their emperor Qin Shi Huang and Terracotta Army
  25. 51. Southeast Asian civilization known for their trade, Hinduism, and Buddhism
  26. 53. South American civilization known for their empire, irrigation systems, and adobe architecture
  27. 54. Middle Eastern civilization known for their Hanging Gardens and Code of Hammurabi
  28. 57. South Asian civilization known for their golden age of art, science, and literature
  29. 58. South American civilization known for their metalworking, ceramics, and huacas
  30. 59. South American civilization known for their empire, road system, and ceramics
  31. 63. South American civilization known for their city of Teyuna and terraced agriculture
  32. 64. European civilization known for their warriors, druids, and art
  33. 67. South American civilization known for their agricultural terraces and irrigation systems
  34. 68. South Asian civilization known for their urban planning and advanced drainage systems
  35. 70. Mesoamerican civilization known for their pyramids, stelae, and astronomical knowledge
  36. 71. South American civilization known for their network of roads and bridges
  37. 72. Southeast Asian civilization known for their maritime empire and Buddhist scholarship
  38. 73. South American civilization known for their ceramics and pottery styles
  39. 75. South American civilization known for their precision stonework and masonry
  1. 1. Mesoamerican civilization known for their capital city of Tula and warrior culture
  2. 2. South Asian civilization known for their emperor Ashoka and rock edicts
  3. 4. Aegean civilization known for their citadels and Trojan War
  4. 6. South American civilization known for their trail to Machu Picchu and Andean scenery
  5. 8. North African civilization known for their pyramids, pharaohs, and hieroglyphics
  6. 10. South American civilization known for their astronomical knowledge and observatories
  7. 11. Japanese civilization known for their burial mounds and early state formation
  8. 12. South American civilization known for their calendar system and agricultural cycles
  9. 13. Mesoamerican civilization known for their city of Monte Albán and hieroglyphic script
  10. 14. Southeast Asian civilization known for their seafaring, art, and architecture
  11. 16. South American civilization known for their rope bridges and mountain crossings
  12. 20. South American civilization known for their human sacrifices and religious beliefs
  13. 24. North African civilization known for their pyramids, archers, and queens
  14. 27. South American civilization known for their megalithic architecture and Andean cosmology
  15. 28. East Asian civilization known for their innovations in science, technology, and agriculture
  16. 31. South Asian civilization known for their cities, plumbing, and mysterious script
  17. 32. North American civilization known for their diverse cultures, languages, and traditions
  18. 34. East Asian civilization known for their oracle bones and bronze vessels
  19. 35. Mediterranean civilization known for their seafaring, alphabet, and trade
  20. 37. South American civilization known for their monumental sculptures and tombs
  21. 38. South American civilization known for their advanced road system and Machu Picchu
  22. 40. Middle Eastern civilization known for their military prowess and library at Nineveh
  23. 43. Mesoamerican civilization known for their pyramid of Kukulcan and ballcourt
  24. 46. Mesoamerican civilization known for their colossal heads and influence on later civilizations
  25. 48. East Asian civilization known for their porcelain, Great Wall, and Forbidden City
  26. 49. Mesoamerican civilization known for their capital city of Tenochtitlan and human sacrifices
  27. 52. Japanese civilization known for their rice cultivation, metalworking, and social hierarchy
  28. 55. South American civilization known for their textiles, mummies, and geoglyphs
  29. 56. Southeast Asian civilization known for their temples at Angkor and irrigation systems
  30. 58. South American civilization known for their goldworking, salt mines, and legend of El Dorado
  31. 60. Mesoamerican civilization known for their stelae, ballcourt, and hieroglyphic stairway
  32. 61. Southeast Asian civilization known for their empire, art, and literature
  33. 62. Mesopotamian civilization known for their city states, cuneiform, and ziggurats
  34. 65. East Asian civilization known for their poetry, art, and cosmopolitan culture
  35. 66. South American civilization known for their agriculture, astronomy, and goldworking
  36. 67. South American civilization known for their water management and engineering
  37. 69. Mesoamerican civilization known for their pyramids and hieroglyphic writing system
  38. 74. Japanese civilization known for their court culture, literature, and Tale of Genji