Ancient Greece

  1. 3. King of the gods in Greek mythology, wielder of thunderbolts.
  2. 5. A symbol of peace and victory in Ancient Greece.
  3. 7. Mathematician and inventor famous for discovering buoyancy principles.
  4. 9. Stories of gods, heroes, and mythical creatures from ancient times.
  5. 11. The birthplace of democracy and a famous ancient city-state.
  6. 13. Theatrical performances involving storytelling, often in Ancient Greece.
  7. 14. A long-distance race originated from a historic Greek event.
  1. 1. Ancient games celebrating athletic prowess held every four years.
  2. 2. A form of government where citizens have a say in decision-making.
  3. 4. Philosopher known for his questioning approach (Socratic method).
  4. 6. Philosopher and student of Socrates, founder of the Academy.
  5. 8. Architectural features like Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian seen in Greek buildings.
  6. 10. Goddess of wisdom, courage, and warfare in Greek mythology.
  7. 11. A high city or citadel typically overlooking ancient Greek cities.
  8. 12. Author of the epic poems "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey."