Ancient Greece

  1. 2. Shrines and priests that could predict future
  2. 6. the overall winner of the Persian Wars
  3. 7. Government in Athens where "citizens" voted and help the power
  4. 10. armies of Greek citizens
  5. 12. Persian empire builder who allowed conquered people to retain culture
  6. 15. mythical part man, part bull creature
  7. 17. People that settled Greek mainland and had first Greek kings
  8. 19. philosopher who believed in a philosopher-king
  9. 21. polis dedicated to a warrior lifestyle
  10. 23. polis that help the most power in the Delian League
  11. 24. marketplace and an area where Greeks could debate ideas
  12. 26. Alexander the Great and his father Philip II were from ___
  13. 27. Philosopher who believed we must question everything
  14. 28. rule by a few people
  15. 29. Persia was located in present-day ____
  16. 30. Part of Greece that juts out from the mainland (where Sparta was located)
  17. 32. Persian leader who organized the empire into satrapies
  18. 34. a city-state, small Greek kingdoms
  1. 1. Author of the Greek epics "The Illiad" and "The Odyssey"
  2. 3. philosopher who believed in observation
  3. 4. rule of the people
  4. 5. Alexander the Great died due to ___
  5. 8. Greek column with 2 "scrolls"
  6. 9. Where Ancient Greeks believed some of the gods lived
  7. 11. Coming out of the Dark Ages, these leaders seized control by force
  8. 13. natural disasters that caused the downfall of early groups in the area
  9. 14. Monotheistic Persian religion
  10. 16. city state in Italy that was rising in power as Alexander's Empire was falling apart
  11. 18. Minoan civilization formed on this island
  12. 19. Killed off many Athenians during the Peloponnesian War
  13. 20. tight battle formation of Greeks which utilized shields and long spears
  14. 22. Alexander's Empire stretched as far east as ____
  15. 25. Greek hero with a fatal flaw in his ankle
  16. 31. a general who became a powerful leader during Athens' height
  17. 33. Greek writer who wrote fables with a moral lesson