Ancient Greece

  1. 2. Stories of struggle and difficulty.
  2. 4. Philosophy founded by Epicurus.
  3. 7. Philosopher and one of Socrates students.
  4. 8. Wrote Greek epics around 700 B.C.
  5. 9. Leader who cancelled farmer's debts and freed those that were slaves.
  6. 11. Professional teachers of ancient Greece.
  7. 12. Protector of the kingdom.
  8. 14. Name of captive workers.
  9. 15. What does each Greek city state end with?
  10. 16. Famous Greek mathematician.
  11. 18. What a person leaves behind when they die.
  12. 19. The earliest Greek stories.
  1. 1. Person who rules with total authority.
  2. 2. Poet who wrote poems about beauty and nature.
  3. 3. Actors depicting a story.
  4. 5. Study and love of wisdom.
  5. 6. Traditional stories of ancient Greece.
  6. 10. Shrine where priests and priestesses spoke for a god or goddess.
  7. 13. Humorous and happy story.
  8. 17. Island which was headquarters for Delain League.