Ancient Greek Theater

  1. 4. The Greek goddess who cursed Medusa.
  2. 6. Added the 2nd Actor to his plays
  3. 7. Added the 3rd Actor to his plays
  4. 11. Could own land, be physically fit, and have an education.
  5. 14. How old did you have to be to have a say in Ancient Greek society?
  6. 15. The belief in multiple gods.
  1. 1. The Greek god of fertility, wine, agriculture, and theatre.
  2. 2. The dancing space
  3. 3. A traditional story that explains natural phenomena.
  4. 5. Greek Work for contest
  5. 8. Still in existence, not destroyed over time.
  6. 9. The root meaning of the word tragedy.
  7. 10. A poem or lines performed in unison by chant or song.
  8. 12. The first Actor who stepped away from the chorus.
  9. 13. Altar where burnt offerings were made to the Greek gods.
  10. 16. The seeing place in ancient greek performances.