Ancient India
- 1. This empire was known as the Golden Age
- 4. A mountain range that can be found in the northwest area of India.
- 5. A polytheistic religion produced by the Aryans
- 8. The Indus Valley Civilization developed along which famous river
- 9. Became King in of the Gupta Empire in A.D 320
- 10. Pakistan and India plus another country once made up the entire country of India.
- 12. This empire unified most of India
- 13. Universal Spirit of the Hindu religion
- 15. The language of the Vedas
- 1. Indian leader who believed in ahimsa and used it in his fight against British rule
- 2. Buddhist follow the guidance of both the Eightfold Path and
- 3. This religion spread as far east as Japan
- 6. Divine law that requires people to perform their duties of their caste
- 7. This country is considered a subcontinent of Asia.
- 11. This mountain range protected the country from northern invasions.
- 14. The greatest Maurya King
- 16. This system is a great accomplishment of the Ancient Indians.