Ancient India
- 1. an enclosed area of water in a port for the loading, unloading, and repair of ships
- 5. Budhayana calculated this number
- 8. the father of Ancient India medicine
- 9. a high massive plateau
- 10. a season of high rain in June
- 11. an Indian invention used to fasten clothing
- 15. a river sacred to the Hindus
- 16. gin a machine that is used to separate cotton from the seeds
- 17. an animal that brings good luck
- 19. a religion, or a way of life, found most notably in India and Nepa
- 20. a strategic bored game which was invented in ancient India
- 2. the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- 3. was the master who gave us the knowledge of yoga
- 4. was just one of 1500 cities in the Indus River Valley
- 6. a staple crop of ancient India
- 7. a corpus of symbols produced by the Indus Valley Civilization
- 12. the longest river in ancient India
- 13. a number that was invented by ancient Indians which allowed for further development in mathematics
- 14. an Indian stringed instrument
- 18. a religion and dharma that encompasses a variety of traditions