Ancient Israel & Judaism

  1. 3. son of Israel's greatest king who built the First Temple
  2. 5. considered the greatest Jewish King who defeated Goliath
  3. 7. a messenger sent by God to share God's word with the people
  4. 9. a social group made up of families or clans
  5. 13. a weekly day of worship and rest where work is forbidden
  6. 14. founder and father of Judaism
  7. 15. a wise saying
  8. 16. a rule that God wanted the Israelites to follow
  9. 18. an agreement with God
  10. 19. leader of the Israelites during the conquering of Canaan
  11. 21. a grasshopper that often migrates in large numbers
  12. 23. Jewish leader who built the second temple
  13. 24. a set of letters or other characters used to write a language
  14. 25. a sacred song or poem used in worship
  15. 26. founded by the ten tribes who rebelled against rule in Jerusalem
  16. 28. a Jewish house for worship or Church
  1. 1. prepared according to Jewish dietary law
  2. 2. the departure of the Israelites out of slavery
  3. 4. one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world that was famous for its walls
  4. 6. contained the Ten Commandments
  5. 8. the groups of Jews living outside the Jewish homeland
  6. 10. a forced absence from one's home or country
  7. 11. founded by two tribes in the southern part of Canaan
  8. 12. teachings that Moses received from God and later became the first part of the Hebrew Bible
  9. 16. the promised homeland of the Jewish people
  10. 17. the belief in one God
  11. 20. a long document made from pieces of parchment sewn together
  12. 22. the first five books of the Hebrew bible
  13. 25. events and natural disasters seen as punishments from God
  14. 27. the official leader of a Jewish congregation