Ancient olympic games

  1. 4. In honor of wich god were the games held?
  2. 5. To be strong you have to......a lot
  3. 9. What was the first sport in th games?
  4. 10. What is the sport called where you use a round flat object?
  5. 12. The competition was held for the gods, so it was a .......competition
  6. 15. The phisycal trainers in ancient Greece were called…
  7. 17. How was the sport with horses called?
  8. 20. What was a lap around the field called?
  9. 21. Who could compete in the games?
  10. 22. Some of the participants were........(other word for known)
  1. 1. The participants were strong, so they had a lot of....
  2. 2. In what country where the olympics originally held?
  3. 3. Did they compete dressed or naked?
  4. 6. What was the race called in the ancient Olympic games?
  5. 7. What do you do on a trampoline?
  6. 8. He's was famous and very succesfull wrestler at the time and had a unique training methode
  7. 11. Another word for taking place in a competition is...
  8. 13. What is the 42 km long race called?
  9. 14. What was the event that was held in the beginning and end of the games called?
  10. 16. What did the people make for the gods?
  11. 18. In what city did the games started?
  12. 19. Where were the first Olympic games held?
  13. 23. What did they use to make their skin smooth and btheir body muscly?