Ancient olympic games
- 4. In honor of wich god were the games held?
- 5. To be strong you have to......a lot
- 9. What was the first sport in th games?
- 10. What is the sport called where you use a round flat object?
- 12. The competition was held for the gods, so it was a .......competition
- 15. The phisycal trainers in ancient Greece were called…
- 17. How was the sport with horses called?
- 20. What was a lap around the field called?
- 21. Who could compete in the games?
- 22. Some of the participants were........(other word for known)
- 1. The participants were strong, so they had a lot of....
- 2. In what country where the olympics originally held?
- 3. Did they compete dressed or naked?
- 6. What was the race called in the ancient Olympic games?
- 7. What do you do on a trampoline?
- 8. He's was famous and very succesfull wrestler at the time and had a unique training methode
- 11. Another word for taking place in a competition is...
- 13. What is the 42 km long race called?
- 14. What was the event that was held in the beginning and end of the games called?
- 16. What did the people make for the gods?
- 18. In what city did the games started?
- 19. Where were the first Olympic games held?
- 23. What did they use to make their skin smooth and btheir body muscly?