Ancient Rome
- 2. Animal that legend says raised Rome's founders
- 5. Rome's richest man who ran fire department
- 6. Good dictator
- 9. The most famous Roman who was assassinated
- 12. Queen of Egypt who seduced Roman generals
- 13. ancient name for modern France
- 14. Rival of Rome defeated in Punic Wars
- 15. Roman republic's highest elected office
- 19. rebel gladiator and slave
- 20. Alliance of three
- 1. the founder of Rome who killed his brother
- 3. name for a Roman army division
- 4. name of famous general who was enemy of Rome
- 7. Lost civil war to Caesar
- 8. Name of Augustus before he was emperor
- 10. The republic's main governing institution
- 11. This office gave you absolute power
- 16. Bad dictator
- 17. a road for water
- 18. Roman Peace