AncientIndia criss-crossword-puzz
- 2. To show something hidden
- 6. Most people in India follow this religon
- 9. The holy book of Hinduism
- 13. The ocean south of India, named after India!
- 14. The holy river of India
- 15. A short length of water
- 16. The god Brahmin appear in many____
- 17. The mountains that surrond Deccan plateau
- 21. The four basic principle of Buddhism
- 24. The place that store grain and stuff
- 25. The river where the first settlements were
- 1. A river that start at the Himalayas and eventually joins the Ganges
- 3. Founder of Hinduism
- 4. The class you are
- 5. Where followers of Buddhism go when they become enlightened
- 7. Followers of Buddahism should leave by these eight teaching
- 8. The place where people go when under attack
- 10. The bay east of India.
- 11. Where all the waste water go
- 12. The highest mountain range in the world
- 18. The desert near the Indus river
- 19. A early city of near the Indus river
- 20. The plateau that is surronded by The ghats
- 22. To move something
- 23. simliar to translate