Andretta's Big 40!!!

  1. 2. What type of car did Andretta get for graduation?
  2. 4. Andretta's Favorite Sport
  3. 5. Where did Ken and Andretta meet?
  4. 7. Who is Andretta's mother-in-law?
  5. 8. What is the mascot of Andretta's favorite college team
  6. 12. What city is Andretta from?
  7. 14. Who is Andretta's favorite R&B singer?
  8. 16. Who was the first person Andretta ever babysat?
  9. 17. Who is Andretta's best childhood friend?
  10. 18. What is Andretta's nickname?
  11. 19. What voice part does Andretta sing?
  1. 1. Who can Andretta not live without?
  2. 2. What was the first city Andretta lived in after relocating to Alabama?
  3. 3. What is Andretta's favorite breakfast meat?
  4. 6. What is the name of the apartment complex Andretta grew up in?
  5. 9. Where does Andretta work?
  6. 10. What color was Andretta's first car?
  7. 11. What NBA team does Andretta root for?
  8. 13. Who used to steal Andretta's bottles as a baby?
  9. 15. What is Andretta's drink of choice?