
  1. 2. Prophylactic medication used ischemic heart disease
  2. 3. Pain that mimics angina
  3. 8. Pharmacologic agent used during stress test
  4. 10. #1 risk factor for CHD
  5. 12. exercise protocol used to evaluate ischemia
  6. 13. Definitive procedure for CAD
  7. 15. Clenching fist over chest_____sign
  8. 17. Can lead to the development of plaques
  9. 18. ST morphology during episodic chest pain
  10. 19. Contraidicatio for stress test
  11. 20. Used if b-blocker/CCB ineffective
  1. 1. A cause of chest pai
  2. 4. Main limitation of nitrate therapy
  3. 5. Evaluates/confirms provoked ischemia (2 words)
  4. 6. Therapy proven to reduce mortality post MI
  5. 7. side effect of nitrates
  6. 9. Chest pain < _____ minutes classified as angina
  7. 11. Build-up of this in arteries causes chest pain
  8. 14. 1st line for acute recurrent chest pain
  9. 16. Do not miss cause of chest pain