Anglo Saxon Period & Beowulf
- 3. The first Hero
- 4. A long narrative poem
- 9. Speaking Latin
- 10. battled the vikings to take over England
- 12. Repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words
- 14. Compound word/phrase that takes the place of a specific noun
- 15. A warrior's success was measured in this from his leaders
- 16. Anglo-Saxons believed that this controlled lives
- 18. Warriors must defend their lord to the death
- 19. storytellers or
- 21. The perfect Anglo-Saxon
- 1. Figure who is often of divine descent
- 2. battled the vikings to take over England
- 5. Beowulf has some of these elements
- 6. Exaggeration used for effect
- 7. One who has no religion
- 8. The perfect Anglo-Saxon
- 11. battled the vikings to take over England
- 13. a person admired for ahievements and qualities
- 15. Speaking German
- 17. Blood
- 20. Speaking Gaelic