
  1. 1. are also grain eaters.
  2. 4. dragon the world's largest lizard originiatingfrom East Nusa Tenggara.
  3. 5. are very inteligent marine mammals.
  4. 7. breathe through the skin.
  5. 10. have thick fur to withstand cold temperatures.
  6. 13. are mostly nocturnal animals and are good climbers
  7. 15. are included as pets.
  8. 16. is an animal that breaks its tail while protecting itself.
  9. 18. have a hump that functions to store food reserves in the form of fat.
  10. 19. breathe through gills.
  1. 1. has two curved horns above the head with sharp Ends.
  2. 2. are raised to take advantage of their fur, meat and milk.
  3. 3. habitat in lowland forests and hills on the island of Sulawesi.
  4. 4. mammals that have pouches.
  5. 6. have sleep dependent abilities.
  6. 8. kill their prey by twisting.
  7. 9. have black fur, golden yellow and striped patterns.
  8. 11. are vertebrate animals and have reeds and wings.
  9. 12. is a marine animal that can emit deep black ink from its body while protecting itself.
  10. 14. have two hands and two legs.
  11. 17. has a body consiting of a head,chest and stomach.