
  1. 2. they go ooh ooh aah aah
  2. 4. this pet meows
  3. 8. they are white with orangey yellowy beaks
  4. 9. blue some times with spots they swim and jump in the water
  5. 12. they can be all different colours
  6. 13. live at the bottom of the sea
  7. 16. they have shells
  8. 17. white with orange beaks or black with red beaks
  9. 18. little grey things that like cheese
  1. 1. slither and slide around
  2. 3. eight arms and squirts out ink
  3. 5. big and grey and stomp around
  4. 6. this animal squeaks
  5. 7. yellow with brown patches
  6. 9. this pet roofs
  7. 10. they eat fish
  8. 11. orange with black stripes
  9. 14. they swim away from sharks
  10. 15. they have big golden mains