  1. 4. experience love at first sent (dug and can fly)(Lepidoptera)
  2. 5. some of them can jump(invertebrates)
  3. 6. there bite is strong enough to crash a bowling ball(mammal)
  4. 7. their eyes turn blue in the winter(mammals)
  5. 10. (bird mammal)can surf
  6. 12. can learn how to speak dolphin (so not a dolphin(sea animal)
  7. 13. there SOOOO cute until you learn there murder potential.(mammal)
  8. 17. their stripes act as bug repellent
  9. 18. us twigs to itch themselves (bird)
  10. 19. this bird can do math(most people think this bird is dumb)
  11. 21. have the worlds thickest fur(mammals)
  12. 23. a type of lizard squirt blood from their eyes...
  13. 25. can laugh(mammals) we usually want them out of our houses when we have them
  14. 26. an animal we would all think roars doesn't)mammal
  15. 27. have the fastest dive in the world even faster the a cheetah running!(bird)
  16. 28. (reptile) can grow for up to 30 years
  17. 30. this mammal will adopt orphans(no not humans)
  18. 32. die after mating (sea animal)
  19. 33. shrimp has the fastest punch in the world(sea critter type of shrimp)
  20. 35. has 3 hearts (you can find this from finding dory)
  21. 36. the only animal that can't jump (mammal)
  1. 1. have 2 foot long tongs (mammal)
  2. 2. use bubbles to hunt(sea animal(mammal)
  3. 3. make life long friendships (mammals)
  4. 8. wash their hands in urin(a type of monkey)
  5. 9. have the fastest wings in the world(bird)
  6. 11. if the have to vomit they vomit their whole stomachs(reptile)
  7. 14. last white their FEET!
  8. 15. Runs 75 mph!!!(mammal)
  9. 16. can sleep for 3 years
  10. 20. turn left when leaving their caves(mammals(and not a bare)
  11. 22. there "horn" is a tooth (sea animal(mammal)
  12. 24. (type of dolphin)is even more right handed than humans.
  13. 27. do 90 percent of the hunting (female----)(mammals)
  14. 29. an animal you would never think can growl actually growls with its teeth and stomach (crustacean)
  15. 31. horns made of hair (big mammal)
  16. 34. fingerprints are closest to humans(mammal)