Animal Nutrition

  1. 2. Contians all nutrients that the animal needs in the correct proportions
  2. 4. Feed component that provides energy and are composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
  3. 5. Animals eating feed when they want, unlimited access
  4. 6. organic substance needed in small quantities to perform specific functions
  5. 11. Dissolved in water and need to be consumed every day
  6. 14. Required in small quantities
  7. 16. family of chemical compounds; includes fats and oils
  8. 17. Polysaccarides; only digestible by ruminants
  9. 19. carbohydrate that provides strength and support to cell walls
  10. 20. The increase in size of the muscles, bones, organs, and other body parts
  11. 21. substances that are required for organisms to grow and live
  12. 22. Animal tissue and bones from animal harvesting facilities and rendering plants that are cooked, dried, and ground
  13. 24. Double Sugar
  14. 25. A colorless liquid solvent used in nutrition research
  15. 27. A saturated lipid compound that is solid at room temperature; contains 2.5 more energy than carbohydrates
  16. 28. livestock feed that contains more than 18% crude fiber when dry
  17. 29. Inorganic element found in small amounts in the body
  1. 1. Stored in fat and released as the body needs them
  2. 3. Required in large amounts
  3. 7. Single sugars
  4. 8. The process of keeping the body at a constant state
  5. 9. The items animals consume to obtain nutrients
  6. 10. Organic compounds made up of amino acids; allow the body to grow and heal
  7. 12. Monosaccharids and disaccarides that are easily digested
  8. 13. An ingredient used in making feeds for animals
  9. 15. Feed that contains less than 20% Crude Protein
  10. 18. total amount of feed an animal has in 24-hour period
  11. 23. Substances that are required for proper growth in all animals
  12. 26. The degree to which an animal likes the taste of a particular feed