Animal Riddles

  1. 3. I can swim. I have eight arms. I have a soft body. I can change colour.
  2. 7. I can hiss. I don't have any legs. I am long. I have a forked tongue. I am a _____
  3. 8. I live in cold places. I eat fish and seals. I am white. Climate change is killing me. I am a _____
  4. 9. I am brown. I eat fruits and fish. I have four legs. I live in the woods. I am very big. I am a ______
  5. 10. I have a long tail. I can swim from trees. I have long arms. I like banana. I am a _____
  6. 12. I am a large bird. I am pink. I have two long legs. I can stand on one legs. I am a _____
  1. 1. I live in the house. I like cheese. I am small. All cats want to catch me. I am a ______
  2. 2. I am big and grey. I eat grass and leaves. I have a horn on my nose. I am a _____
  3. 4. Don't touch me, I sting!, I have many tentacles, I live in the sea, I am transparent and soft. I am a _____
  4. 5. I am yellow and brown. I eat leaves. I have a very long neck. I live in Africa. I am a _____
  5. 6. I have four legs. I have big ears. I have a trunk. I am very big. I am a _____
  6. 11. I can roar. I have a mane. I eat other animals. I have sharp claws. I am a _____