Animal Science Test Review

  1. 6. the three categories of animals are food, service, and ___
  2. 7. baby rabbit
  3. 10. sheep
  4. 11. baby cow
  5. 14. male chicken
  6. 16. career sector that relates to animals by providing fruits and veggies for food
  7. 20. female cattle that has not had a baby
  8. 22. baby goat
  9. 23. mother sheep
  10. 24. mother goat
  1. 1. castrated male horse
  2. 2. bird used for meat
  3. 3. Mother Pig
  4. 4. rabbit
  5. 5. female chicken that has not laid an egg
  6. 8. mother horse
  7. 9. uncastrated male cattle
  8. 12. career sector that relates to animals by providing wood shavings for cages
  9. 13. Uncastrated male pig
  10. 15. castrated male cattle
  11. 17. male turkey or male cat
  12. 18. dog
  13. 19. uncastrated male sheep
  14. 21. baby horse