Animal Systems Course Syllabus

  1. 2. worth 10% of final grade
  2. 4. if rules are not followed, you will receive a _____ for a first offense
  3. 5. _____ is the most important part of a lab
  4. 8. one of the supplies for this class
  5. 10. Students will have the number of days they were absent plus one to make-up any _____ classwork
  6. 12. Any assignment turned in after the due date or the arranged due date will lose 10% for _____ day it is late
  7. 13. Syllabus needs to be _____ by both you and your parent and turned in
  8. 14. you will be graded on employability _____
  1. 1. Students who are not in the classroom prepared to work before the bell rings will be marked_____
  2. 2. the first thing we will learn is _____ of systems
  3. 3. assignments and _____ will be the majority of our grades
  4. 6. The student is responsible for _____ time to take the quiz/exam if absent
  5. 7. provides students with the _____ of the livestock and red meat industry
  6. 9. Students who are absent from class are _____ for making up any missed activity and work
  7. 11. Students will be removed from the lab on a _____ offense and receive a zero on the lab