- 5. I live in the dark and have a light on my head.
- 6. this habitat has a lot of water.
- 9. this bird can turn its head in a circle.
- 10. this habitat has many trees.
- 11. these habitats are cold and windy.
- 14. a big orange cat with black stripes.
- 15. I am the unicorn of the sea!
- 18. a cat that lives on the mountain, its hard to see!
- 1. I have really big horns.
- 2. this habitat is hot a dry.
- 3. this habitat is wet and warm.
- 4. small and fast with big ears.
- 7. my fur is white, but my skin is black.
- 8. this habitat is rocky and up high.
- 12. I can have 1 or 2 humps.
- 13. I am colorful and many fish live in me.
- 16. I have no legs and venom.
- 17. small and green, it lives on jungle trees.
- 19. big and heavy, its nose is like an arm.