
  1. 2. Santa's favorite animal
  2. 4. Sucking blood, and it itches
  3. 9. Big ape, orangey
  4. 10. Mammal laying eggs
  5. 11. Dangerous mammal, can be polar, brown, black etc
  6. 14. Lives in water, used by humans to catch fish
  7. 15. Man's best friend
  8. 16. Extinct bird
  9. 18. Long ears and hopping
  10. 19. Transparent, no brain, underwater
  11. 20. The most famous one is called Donald
  12. 21. Always lands on its legs
  1. 1. Not a crocodile, u-shaped snout
  2. 3. World's smallest bird, stands still in the air
  3. 5. Pink flesh, popular fish
  4. 6. Lives in a shell, expensive as seafood in restaurants
  5. 7. Fat mammal, but fast and dangerous
  6. 8. Insect, builds hills and lifts heavy weights
  7. 12. Biggest land mammal
  8. 13. Horned and says Baahh
  9. 17. Insect, dies when stinging, yellow and brown