- 3. 蛙 It is green and it makes this sound 'ribbit'.
- 4. 馬 It has four legs.
- 8. 熊 This animal hibernates in the winter.
- 9. 豚 This animal is pink and it makes the this sound: 'oink'.
- 10. きりん It has a long neck.
- 11. 牛 This animal produces milk.
- 12. くも This insect has eight legs. Did you know that these animals don't belong to the insect group, but to the arachnids group?
- 15. やぎ Did you know that when they get excited or startled their body stiffens up and it looks like they are fainting?
- 17. 鶏 This animal lays eggs.
- 19. かたつむり This animal is probably the slowest in the world. It is also slimy!
- 22. フクロウ This animal can rotate it's head 270 degrees!
- 24. 象 It is big and grey and has a big trunk.
- 25. 蟻 This is a very tiny insect, but even though they are small, they can work together like a real champion team and when you found one, usually there are many, many others.
- 27. カンガルー The furthest jump recorded is around 12.8 meters from a momentum built up speed.
- 1. もぐら They say this animal is blind, right? But they are not blind! They just have tiny eyes behind their fur and it is hard for them to see.
- 2. かば It is grey and can be very heavy.
- 5. 白鳥 They are one of the largest flying birds.
- 6. 犬 It has four legs and bark.
- 7. くじゃく Sometimes it has a very beautiful tail.
- 8. 鳥 This animal can fly.
- 13. オウム Some of these animals can actually talk!
- 14. うさぎ This animal belongs to the mammals.
- 16. くじら It is one of the biggest animals on the planet!
- 18. 猫 Did you know that in 2021 there were around 220 million owned who had this animal at home?
- 20. 蜂 It flies and is yellow and black.
- 21. 羊 It is white and fluffy.
- 23. てんとう虫 Did you know that there are around 6000 different species of this animal?
- 26. コアラ Did you know that these animals are herbivorous?